
Current Position: Home Products Liquid(water) Ring Vacuum Pump

Liquid(water) Ring Vacuum Pump


Series SK 、2SK and SZ water ring vacuum pumps can be used to pump water vapour as well as ordinary gases. Because they own the features of constant temperature compressing, they can pump inflammable, explosive and corrosive gas.
Series 2YK liquid ring vacuum pumps own the features of high vacuum and better applicability. When suitable actuating medium or sometimes pumped medium can be chosen as actuating liquids, the series pumps almost can pump all industrial gases. Aforesaid pumps own the features of reposefully operation, low noise and less than 30 percent of energy consumption compared with water vapour jet vacuum pump. So the liquid ring pumps can be widely used for light, food, medicine, paper making and electric utility industries etc.

There are projects as follow for consumer to choose
1.AThere are projects as follow for consumer to choose ccording as the degree of vacuum
●If the pump is operated for long time with the inlet pressure ranging between 1.3×104Pa and 1×105Pa(between 100 and 760 Torr). Please choose series SK water ring vacuum pump.
●If the pump is operated for long time with the inlet pressure ranging between 5×103Pa and 1.3×104Pa(between 40 and 100 Torr). Please choose series 2SK water ring vacuum pump.
●If the pump is operated for long time with the inlet pressure ranging between 1×103Pa and 5×103Pa(between 8 and 40 Torr). Please choose series 2YK liquid ring vacuum pump.
2.Working liquid
●The water with normal temperature. The temperature of supply water range best from 5℃ to 20℃. The highest temperature of supply water should be not higher than 40℃.
●Transformer oil or industrial oil with low viscosity and saturation vapour pressure. The highest suitable temperature of the oil should be not higher than 60℃, for example electric utility industry: Vacuum drying.
●Chemical liquid, choose direct the chemical raw material with low saturation vapour pressure, for example ethylamine etc.
●Besides the water with normal temperature, if choose other working liquid, should equip separator and radiator etc. the dynamic seal of the shaft should use the mechanical sealing. Detailed performances see the list.
3.Choose the dynamic seal of the shaft:
●Choose the asbestos coil when the pump is used in the generic occasion.
●Choose the mechanical sealing when the pump is used in no leak occasion.
4.Choose the material of the part that the gas passed.:
●Besides the shaft, other parts are made of cast iron or alloy of copper; it is suitable for pumping no corrosive gas.
●Stainless steel 304 and 306, it is suitable for pumping corrosive gas.
●Engineering-oriented plastic, it is suitable for pumping acidic and corrosive gas.
5.If the pump is used for pump gas and transport gas. The pressure of gas outlet port exceeds atmosphere pressure. We choose the pump according as something as follow:
●If the pressure of gas outlet port is exceed 0.15Mpa, should choose the especial double-stage liquid ring compressor and should not choose the refitted vacuum pump. The power should be augmented. Should equip the especial separator and auto-drainage.
●If the pressure of gas outlet port is under 0.15Mpa, can choose the refitted vacuum pump as compressor.
6.Methods of installation water ring vacuum pump system
●When the working liquid of the gas outlet port do not recirculate or part recirculate. Should use the opening circulation system.
●When the working liquid of the gas outlet port must recirculate and not drained off. Should use the closing circulation system.


Model 2SK/2YK pump main performance-parameter table

Model Pumping speed Ultimate pressure Power Rotating speed Water supply Inlet & outlet dimensions Weight
m3/min hPa Torr kw r/min L/min mm kg
2SK-2B 2 40 30 5.5 1450 20 50 185
2YK-2B 6.6 5
2SK-3 3 40 30 7.5 1450 25 50 320
2YK-3 6.6 5
2SK-6B 6 33 25 11 1450 35 50 370
2YK-6B 6.6 5
2SK-12 12 33 25 22 980 70 80 850
2YK-12 6.6 5
2SK-25 25 33 25 55/45 980 60-110 100 926
2YK-25 6.6 5
2SK-30A 30 33 25 55 980 60-110 100 1300
2YK-30A 6.6 5
2SK-42 42 33 25 75 740 100 100 2100

Notice: Water supply is suitable for water ring pump, it is not suitable for oil ring pump

Model 2SK-3~2SK-42 pump outline & lnstallation dimension drawing

Model L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L H1 H D d B n-Øc m-Øk
2SK-3 750 1186 218 455 505 466 220 329 132 1458 538 655 140 50 110 4-Ø14 4-Ø23
2SK-6B 895 1293 200 425 475 493 230 379 115 1565 475 625 140 50 110 4-Ø14.5 4-Ø23
2SK-6C 895 1293 200 425 475 493 230 397 124 1565 475 625 140 50 110 4-Ø14.5 4-Ø23
2SK-9 1250 1650 200 504 550 580 285 570 185 1960 628 778 185 80 150 4-Ø18.5 6-Ø25
2SK-12 1400 1770 185 504 550 585 285 692 170 2070 628 748 185 80 150 4-Ø18.5 6-Ø25
2SK-20 1560 1960 200 570 620 720 370 712 115 2320 740 960 230 100 180 8-Ø18.5 6-Ø22
2SK-25 1740 2100 180 570 620 720 370 792 155 2443 737 882 230 100 180 8-Ø18.5 8-Ø22
2SK-30A 1860 2220 180 570 620 720 370 912 155 2563 737 957 230 100 180 8-Ø18.5 8-Ø22
2SK-42 2280 2660 190 680 736 944 350 978 85 3072 880 1097 235 100 200 6-Ø18 8-Ø28

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